Revolutionary War
Privateer Timeline
Captain Samuel Von Siegel was asked to put a museum exhibit together for use at Hope Lodge in early 2020. The exhibit was supposed to run from February thru May. We all know what happened soon after. It was open for Founders Day, and after that it was collected because of the Pandemic of 2020. When he was asked to put this together, no such timeline was readily available or neatly compiled. There were smatterings within books and online, but piece by piece this was collected to start off a project you see before you today.
After years of research and months of compiling a basic timeline has evolved from over 240 years of history. However, we’re not finished with it. There are sources that we are unaware of, records that have been missing for years, uncategorized and misplaced over time, and some records even taken as prizes may still reside in someone’s family library. So, below you will find links to papers that were written on the subject by our staff and members, data collected and compiled in a timeline format, and a video series on the basic start of the timeline.
Below that we invite you to submit source-driven information on items that pertain to the privateer timeline of the Revolutionary War. Please fill it out, and complete all source material information for verification purposes, including name and location so we may give credit where credit is due. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer on this project, please contact us today!
Thank you for helping us in Keeping History Alive!
Maintaining the Timeline Project
When the privateer timeline was first compiled we knew it was not complete. We had to start with something, so we gathered as much as we could find from pre-war to the end, put it on a list, and made plans for expanding the information. This is actually phase II of the plan for the project itself as phase I was mostly the compiling and publishing of the data via a paper and website. We have always intended on having the Rev War Historical Community help with the addendums and corrections to the list, we were just unsure how to go about it, till now.
Phase III will come soon enough and that will involve multiple people on the staff or as volunteers of the AWIPM to help receive entries, research and verify them, and eventually add them. Phase IV will be acting as its own entity, but it is for everyone to share!