Help the AWIPM in
Keeping History Alive
Only you can help us achieve our goals! The AWI Privateer Museum is made up of 100% volunteers who give our time, energy, and what resources we can to make the museum possible. Without support from you, our patrons, these efforts are all in vain. So, haw can you help us out? There are many ways!

We have multiple forms of membership with the AWIPM. Our two most popular are Active & Supportive memberships.

A few types of sponsorships are available to get involved with, whether corporate, educational, organizational, or individual.

There are many different ways you can donate to the museum. Financially, exhibits, material, and time are but a few of the ways.

There are a multitude of ways you can volunteer with the museum. We like to say there’s something for everyone when it comes to volunteering!