Here is a general list of questions we’re asked quite a bit…

What does AWIPM stand for?
AWIPM stands for the American War of Independence Privateer Museum.

What is the AWIPM?
The AWIPM is a mobile (or pop-up) living history museum that portrays and showcases the life and times of the
privateersmen (their supporters, & adjunct forces) and brings light to that part of our history.

How do I get involved with the AWIPM?
In short, send us an email and have a conversation with us about how you want to be involved, it is that simple.

May I hold one of your weapons?
No, only Historical Interpreters who are a part of the AWIPM can. Liability Insurance prevents spectators from
Holding them, even if they are unloaded and you might know what you’re doing.

Are those weapons real?
While they may be Replicas, yes, they are very real.

Do you get hot in wool clothing?
Depends upon the temperature of the day, how active we are, and how much we sweat. The clothing is designed
with the purpose of comfort in mind and breathes quite nicely given the right amount of time and breeze.

May I touch the exhibits?
Depends on which exhibit. We encourage a bit of exploration and using the senses to learn about history
However, some of our exhibits are quite rare and delicate, so we will offer the ones which can be touched
to you so you know for certain which can be touched.