Our Mobile Museum at Work…
One of the benefits of having a mobile setup is the option to bring the museum to various locations and audiences in multiple ways. Whether it be a traditional flie, an EZ-up, or conference/auditorium, or a classroom setup we can fit just about any educational environment.

18th Century Period Correct Dining Flie
Our 10′ x 10′ dining flie is the standard centerpiece of our museum. It offers shade and reasonable fair weather protection from the elements while we wait for patrons or are giving examples of living during the Revolutionary War.

Modern EZ-UP for street festivals
Sometimes we do not have the luxury of setting up on grass areas (which is preferred), so we have to cheat a bit and use a little modern convenience. We do try to ignore and avoid doing so whenever we can.

Conferences & Auditoriums
When it is appropriate we can bring technology into the mix to show what we can do outdoors and bring some of it indoors. This is very useful for school assemblies, history conferences, and other events held indoors.

Interactive Lectures
When someone visits the museum and comes through they are met by one or more of us as historical interpreters that tell the story and basic history of Privateersmen and supporters during the Revolutionary War. It’s more of a discussion than a lecture and audience participation is definitely encouraged!

Living History Demonstrations
One never knows what you may find. Possibly a cooking demonstration, sail or clothes mending, a rousing game of draughts, smoking, everyday tasks, the ringing of the watch bell. Perhaps all, perhaps more. We try to emulate the sights, sounds, smells (just the good ones), and even some touch exhibits to tingle most of the senses.

Black Powder Arms Demonstrations & battle reenactments
This is our oldest and most favored of the demonstrations, and even some skits we like to share with others. We don’t often get to in recent times, as we have a smaller crew now, but we have extensive demonstrations on arms, care & safety, and even proper drill of the time as it pertains to civilian merchant mariners.
What Some of Our Colleagues Say
Beth Beatty
Fort Mifflin October 25, 2018
The Captain and Crew of The Schooner Pursuit (AWIPM) have participated at many events at Fort Mifflin and always have great displays and warm, friendly, educational and FUN interaction with visitors. Don’t “miss the boat” and overlook them!
Kevin Titus
Actor & Personality September 27, 2019
Great Living History group, passionate as we are to US History, Fun, and memory events.
Lisa Quanci
Haddonfield Skirmish June 5, 2023
I’m so glad you were able to make it to the skirmish. it was a GReat DAY !!
I’ve heard the BEST REVIEWS from your impressive collection and even more impressive knowledge.
Venues we can accommodate
Historical Sites
This is our specialty, especially when it comes to locations connected to the Revolutionary War. We can either function as an independent exhibitor or be part of an event alongside other exhibitors.
Company Events
We offer marketing assistance to businesses that have a connection or theme related to the Revolutionary War.
Schools & Institutions
We provide various Revolutionary War programs to schools and institutions.
Social Gatherings
We offer edutainment for various social events such as street festivals, holiday celebrations, tavern nights, and more.
Zoom & Webinar Calls
With the rise of online conferences, webinars, and video calls via platforms like Zoom, education can now be delivered to anyone, anywhere in the world.
We also provide educational outreach to our members, volunteers, and historical interpreters through training sessions and classes as one of our specialties.

Endless LIVING History
Possibilities with the
AWI Privateer Museum
Get in touch to book a consultation today