Would you like to get involved with the AWI Privateer Museum but…
You live too far away? Maybe you’re too busy at the moment to get physically involved? You cannot travel to us but you want to help out?
Become a part of our “Press Crew.”
What is a Press Crew?
- You help look for ways to spread the word online
- Assist in passing along our content on social media
- Take part in online discussions

Getting involved with the AWI Privateer Museum as part of the “Press Crew” is a fantastic opportunity for those who may be unable to join us in person. As a member of our Press Crew, you’ll play a vital role in helping us spread the word about our museum and its mission, whether through digital outreach, social media engagement, or other forms of communication. Think of it like a combination of a Press Gang and modern Street Team. Your support, no matter where you are, will help us continue to preserve and share America’s maritime heritage. Join us today and make a difference from wherever you are!
Benefits to becoming a part of the “Press Crew” are:
– Free access to special forum areas
– Early access to special events
– In-the-know updates