Here are some of our Resources
Find some of the titles in our library, internet resources to articles, sources, and more…

Recommended Reading
If you’re interested in reading up on Privateering During the Revolutionary War, here are a few suggestions to get you started down that path.
Pirates & Patriots of the Revolution by C. Wilbur
Patriot Pirates by Robert H. Patton
Privateers of the Revolution By Donald G Shomette
Rebels at Sea by Eric Jay Dolin
The Untold War at Sea by Hulbert

Online Source Materials
In this day and age, we cannot forget the websites that are decent source materials from other researchers and historians that help provide answers.
The British Tars: https://www.britishtars.com/
12 volumes of Naval Documents of the AWI (USNHHC)
Privateers in the American Revolution (U.S. NPS)

Loyalist Privateer Info
A very brief mention of Loyalist Privateers by our good friend Todd Braisted: www.royalprovincial.com/military/milit.htm
A Canadian reference of Loyalist Privateers in New York: www.uelac.org/Loyalist-Trails/2011/Loyalist-Trails-2011.php?issue=201116

Our Amazon List
Some books on here are already in the Captain’s personal library, but all the books on this list are worth reading and deal with the subject of Privateering during the Revolutionary War. So, why the list? We also take donations, but if you want to get it for yourself, we can’t blame you either. Besides, this list is for reference materials, and we have compiled a pretty good list.

Privateer Bonafides
Required Documents for legal acts of piracy against another nation. Explore what we know about them here

AWI Privateer Resource Files
This is a collection of documents we have put together for helping to educate volunteers & staff on basics of Privateering