Network & Affiliate Program

This program will most likely appeal to anyone in a corporate, organizational, institutional, or mercantile setting as it checks all the boxes in an inexpensive way you can add to a sponsorship program that is a win-win for everyone. As far as what it costs us all is very likable. It’s FREE. All it takes is an agreement to help spread the word on-site for you, and on our website link section for us, and you get top billing (alphabetically of course) in our links section.
Here’s how it all works…

You sign up with the program, in which you agree to put a program sign-up somewhere in your business for people to see you are a part of it (can be by admissions, cash register, exhibits (we’re not too picky). In addition to that little sign (3″ x 8″), you also agree to carry brochures of the museum. In return, we offer you a website link in the Network & Affiliate program section of our links page.

Here’s the difference between the Network side, and the affiliate side…

AWIPM Network

What is the AWIPM Network?
The network is a group of institutions, and historical sites, that have either historical ties to or an exhibition on Privateering during the American War of Independence.

As this is a subject that is not very well known, several institutions, businesses, and historical sites with this common history have partnered together to bring you as much of a complete history as we can!

What does it entail? 
It’s an information exchange. We help each other by promoting each other’s exhibits and institutions on the subject of privateering, link exchange, and of course promotional materials such as business cards and brochures. or even an agreed-upon exhibit exchange whether informational or physical (more likely the AWIPM lending a site or institution an exhibit or pieces during our off-season (mid-November through April).

AWIPM Affiliate

What is an affiliate of the AWIPM?
An affiliate is a business, group, or historical site that works closely with the AWI Privateer Museum and helps us to enrich the knowledge of the Privateers during the American War of Independence.

Those involved help us out by sharing information, hosting events, lending a hand by participating in AWIPM events or helping each other out in other mutually beneficial ways.

What does it entail?
Similar to the network program, this provides for a more active contribution between the AWIPM and an affiliate. Get as involved as your business, group, or historical site would like.

Benefits of being a part of either program
*Free Marketing Exchange *Discounted Appearance Fees for events

Fill out the application form to join in the program!