The 90% Facia Guidelines of the
AWI Privateer Museum
We aim to be as accurate as we possibly can be. This includes Dress, actions, and speech.
Clothing: Must appear to be at least 90% historically accurate from 5-10 feet away. Hand-sewn is fine, but machine-sewn is also allowable as it is less expensive. Preferrable are outer seams being hand-sewn, and stitches that are not visible to the public machine-sewn are allowable. Not all of us have the same budget, and we are each responsible for our own impression.
Patterns must be accurate, or at least as close to originals as possible, including fabric patterns. NO MODERN ARTIFICIAL FABRICS as we are often surrounded by fire, embers, or gunpowder going off, or being spilled or transferred onto clothing at times in certain activities. The man-made textiles melt and cause nasty burns whereas natural textiles smolder.
Jewelry and accessories: Modern pieces such as wedding bands, and smart/analog/digital watches (Fitbit included) must be hidden or as close to appearing as historically accurate as possible. If you cannot hide or disguise it, please consider something else, but we will not chastise you for it. Wedding rings/bands are also an exception.
Medic-Alert bracelets/necklaces, eyewear, dermal medical devices. Obviously, these are considered exceptions, but we ask that you keep them as nonchalant as possible when in the presence of museum patrons. Also, please inform officers of any issues regarding medical concerns.
Footwear: Unless you are portraying a military officer, a gentleman with a horse, or the like. NO Stovepipe or riding BOOTS. Half-boots are ok, although not as common, and NO BARE FEET (as it’s a safety issue on board ship, as well as a liability issue on some sites). Modern footwear is ONLY ALOWWABLE if there is a bonafide medical condition, and there are ways to disguise this – please ask an officer for assistance in this endeavor if needed.
FACIAL HAIR: Unless you are portraying an invalid or crazy person, running from a press gang, or are of certain cultures or religious persuasions there will be NO FACIAL HAIR past a 3-day stubble (considered a beard by 1770s standards). The ONLY acceptable reasons for not shaving are if you have a professional role as Santa, have a religious obligation (i.e Orthodoxy religion, sitting Shiva – Jewish faith, or other religious obligation), Have a skin issue which prevents you from shaving, or you have no hands/arms in which to shave with. You will be asked to shave/trim to stubble. Yes, Beards were a thing. Yes, they were frowned upon except in certain areas (as stated previously). No, we will not allow your beard because you “think it’s cool” or are “in a band.”
Cell Phones: You may have a cell phone on you, you may even use it. But use it away from the museum patrons, unless you are taking pictures. If you do not have a haversack, pocket, or some other place to put it while working, you may set it in a designated space on the Captain’s Table away from the view of the public.
Modern or “farb” items: Anything of a modern or non-historically accurate nature. These items should be kept out of the view of the public. Upon setup of the museum flie, there will be an area designated for this use. Items shall be covered until they are needed, and we will use every possible chance to keep these items from the view of the public. Typically these items are squirreled away under tables, or put under canvas, or oilcloth camouflaged to look like cargo.